Indonesia is a large archipelagic country with various tribes and
cultures. Along with the development of the era and the increasing needs,
Indonesia faces various problems. One of them is the increasing energy
consumption. However, energy availability is running low. Indonesia's
dependence on fossil fuels is still high and will lead to a scarcity of energy
someday if not addressed immediately because fossil fuel sources cannot be
renewed (unrenewable). To overcome the scarcity of energy in Indonesia, it can
be done by switching to use alternative renewable energy sources. One of them is
biomass. Biomass is a source of energy derived from biological materials and can
be renewable because the source is unlimited and can be replanted. Biomass that
can be used one of them comes from bagasse which is a solid composed sugar
industry and less optimal in its utilization. This study studied about the influence
of briquetting pressure on the combustion characteristics of biobriket made from
raw bagasse.
The bagasse was first sieved and then filtered so that the bagasse can
pass 20 mesh. After the powder of bagasse passes 20 mesh, then weighing and
adding of starchy starch adhesive by 10% from total mass 3 gram. The variation
of the binder pressure in this study was 350 kg / cm2, 400 kg / cm 2, and 450 kg /
cm 2, then the combustion test was done by Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA)
method. In addition to the Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA) combustion test, a
proximity test was conducted with the ASTM D1762-84 standard in 2007.
From this research it can be seen that the higher the binder pressure
will affect the density of 0.337 g / cm3 to 0.349 g / cm3 so that the water content
decreases from 11.63% to 9.06%. Decreased moisture content resulted in
increased volatile matter from 9.26% to 9.73%, increased ash from 17.94% to
18.45%, and increased carbon content from 61.15% to 62.78%. The high pressure
of briquetting also affects the firing duration from 2010.5 to 2013 seconds thus
decreasing the ITVM value from 174.88˚C to 171.33˚C, increasing the ITFC value
from 218.02˚C to 237.92˚C, increasing the value PT from 298.85˚C to 338.91˚C,
increasing the BT value from 132.75˚C to 141.03˚C, increasing the calorific value
from 5402.15 cal / g to 5555.48 cal / g, and increasing activation energy of 27.47
kj / mol to 30.48 cal / mol.