This study was conducted in relation to: 1) da’wah is an activity to invite or summon
others to the sabil (way) of Allah SWT. 2) Da’wah is a process in communication. However,
there are only some forms of communication which can be categorized as da’wah. Da’wah is
said to be a communication process as it involves message transfer and change of
communicator’s behavior. 3) Stand Up Comedy is a form of art or comedy performed
through monolog to the audience. It is commonly created for entertaining people. However,
recently some stand-up comedians, such as Dzawin and Khalis, incorporate some Islamic
da’wah teachings in their performance. This study aims at identifying the Islamic da’wah
teachings on Khalis’ Stand Up performance. This study implemented qualitative approach.
The data were obtained from observation, documentary study, literary study, as well as indepth
interview with Khalis. The subject of the research was Khalis while the objects of the
research were the Islamic teachings on the performance of Stand Up Comedy Indonesia
Season 5 on KompasTV. The data were analyzed using Hermeneutic analysis technique. The
results of the study showed that the Islamic teachings on Khalis’ Stand Up Comedy
performance were: First, aqidah value/ belief, the examples were Isy Kariman Aw Mut
Syahidan, which means to live or die with honor, and syirik which means feeling afraid and
trusting anything other than Allah. Second, the value of akhlaqi/ behavior, the examples were
prohibition of riya’/ showing off, rules in socializing, and prohibition of arrogance.