This research was conducted to comprehend the character education lesson of Panembahan Senapati in Serat Wedhatama created by Sri Mangkunegara IV. Besides that, it was also to discover the relevance between the character education lesson of Serat Wedhatama and character education lesson based on Islam law, and its application in the existence now. It was also supported by the culture original value and tradition or the Javanese indigenous which would be combined by the Islam lesson by the researcher.
In this research, the researcher used the qualitative library research, in focus of character education lesson of Panembahan Senapati which was written in Serat Wedhatama created by Sri Mangkunegara IV, and was found in Pupuh Sinom. The techniques of collecting the data were technical and non-technical literature. The data analysis was analytic descriptive method, which more emphasize to the study of the content, a method to explain and to analyze the data which had been gathered.
The results of this research were the were 15 characters education lesson of Panembahan Senapati in Pupuh Sinom of Serat Widhatama, the researcher had explained the relevance seven of them toward the character education lesson based on the Koran and the prophets’ rules, meanwhile the researcher had explained and analyzed the other eight characters education lesson in chapter IV section D, according to the original culture value and Javanese tradition there were some of the characters education lesson that were in contradiction with Islam theory, therefore it was found that there were some of Javanese Islamic characters education were in compatible with Islam law. Character Education was also a symbol of the Javanese Islamic Culture in which still developed until now and relevant in the life of the society, however it should have been guided by the continuously study and the Islam Rules. This had become an answer, that Javanese culture which was written in Serat Wedhatama had several connections with Islam Rules to work together to overcome the moral degradation by the character education which had to be attained taken from the Koran and the prophets’ rules.