dc.description.abstract | The author v)akt lo lotow the place ofpost operutive care and APgat score ofgeneral
and regional a esthesia in paliehts with severe pteeclampsia who will be perforned
sectiosecaria in Sarrljito Hospital Yog/akatta year 2004-2006. Data will be collected fam
medical record. Ihe stltdy will bc conducted with cohofi retrospectire and safiple ethod
with consequti|e santpling. The inclusion crileria ofsevere Prceclafipsia patiehls \$erc systolic
pressure e" l60mmHg and or diaslolic press re e" 110nmHg before any medical tutervention
t4ith one or more sign of protein-uria, visual dislurbance during Pregnancy, anal cyanosis,
without ctny disseminated intrarasc lar coagulalion (DIC), pulmonary edema, organ
dysfunction, and HELLP (hemolytic, elevated liver enzyme, low platelet) syndtome. The
fecovery room ofposl operdlive care was divided inlo slantlard rcom, inlensive care urlit
(ICU) with or without nechanical ventilatox General anesthe.sia will be limited using tiopefithal
as induction agent, a d regional anesthesia lechnique (spinal or epidutal) with bupivacain.
fie result showed that there were no differences in recovery toom of post operative care
bet eeh gekeral, spinal, and regiokal anesthesia (p>0.05) Apgar score inlrst I mi ute was
signi-ficaht lo\,rer i general compared with spinal and epidural anesthesia | en_US |