chrodc reDal diseise GIIRD ) is a public health problem in t donesia . The risk
of mo$idity and rnortality rD patients \\,il1r TCRD increased 5 - 10x due to decreased
gio retular filtralion rate ( GFR ) , an increasc in lhe incidence of acute infection , stroke
and heaft ailack ischemia . Smoking and e\posure to cigarelte smoke is one of the risk
faclors of TCRD . But how cigarette pathophysiological rrrechanisms in jritiatj g and
aggavatc TCRD nol all kno\Mr. Inflamrnalory reacliors jn responsc lo jnjrr), due to
reacliye radicals smoke and process chalges ;r lhe structure end funclion of epilhelial
cells inlo mesangial cells ( epithelial nlesa gial kanstjlion / EMT ) iu dre kidDcy is
thought to be the main mechanism ofchang€s in the structue and filnctioll ofthe kidney
giomeruli aud tubules in both One cytokhe responsible for the regulation of
inflammatory reactions atrd processes EMT is TGF - pl the kidney . However, to date
researoh on the levels of TGF - Bl in patierts PGKT h Yogyakarta has not been done .
The design of the study was a case control study with comparisol case I control is eq[al
to I : I . Based on a total sample ofat least 44 patients the trumber ofvolunteers involved
in this study as matry as 100 people . Cases were patients TCRD defiled by the criteria of
Pemefri and as controls were patients tom the same hospital that does trot comply \vith
the criteria PGKT . Age ard sex of the cotrtrol goup comparable to the group of cases .
. Citizens RI ; ( 3 ) . 15-75 years old ; ( 4 ) . Wiling to fill informed consent and ( 5 ) .
Exclusioo criteria oflhe srudy sample ( I ), Patients with congenital kidney disease; ( 2 )
. Have a history of kidney transpla[tation and ( 3 ) . Was having a menta] disorder .
Secondary data dernographics and history of paill patients were take[ from t]re medical
record . Maffl- whitney U test was used to compare the l€vels of TGFPI between the
cases [ith a conhol group of smokers and flotr -smokers .
The results shoued that the levels ofTGF - P ooPGKT lower than dle levels ofTGI - 81 '
in NON PGKT TGF-Bl levels in smokers is lower lhan the levels of TGF - Bl on the
respondents were not srnokers . There is a relationship betwgen smoking aod levels of
TGI - b levels . It can be concluded that ttre levels of TGF - 81 in PGKT and lowor
smokers . There is a relationship between habit decreased levels ofTGF - BL