This research aims to find out how an Islamic education teacher internalises
Islamic educational values for children with mild mental disability, what are the
Islamic values that can be given to them and what are the supporting factor and
obstacles the teacher faces in internalising Islamic educational values for
children with mild mental disability.
This is a qualitative research. It was conducted in SD-LB Muhammadiyah
Gamping. All the necessary informations were provided by various parties,
including are the headmaster, Islamic education teacher and the students with
mild mental disability at SD-LB Muhammadiyah Gamping. The method of data
collection used in this research were observation, interview, and documentation.
The data was then presented using descriptive qualitative approach, by analysing
using words to gather facts, phenomena, variable and current condition during
the research and explain the data which were gathered during the research.
The research results are: (1) the Islamic educational values which were
internalised for children with mild mental disability in SD-LB Muhammadiyah
Gamping has been based on Islamic teachings covering Al-Qur’an, Faith
(Aqidah), Morals (Akhlak), and Shari’a. (2) Islamic Education teachers
internalise Islamic education values by using role model, habit, advice,
monitoring, and punishment/sanction. (3) In the process of internalising Islamic
education values, there are some supporting factors and obstacles. The school
always conducts religious activities to support the internalisation process of
Islamic education values, the school provides relevant books as well as supports
from teachers and parents, these are such strong motivations in supporting the
internalisation process. As for the obstacles, the school is lack of appropriate
facilities and infrastructure, at the same time, the students with mild mental
disabilities also have their limitations in internalising the Islamic education
values in SD-LB Muhammadiyah Gamping.