Each hospital is required to have services in every patient room in the hospital. Quality in health services is required to improve and ensure the health services provided to patients. People in Indonesia today are in desperate need of services especially in hospitals, because the Hospital is one form of government institutions. Based on public service indicator consists of 5 indicators, namely: production, quality, efficiency, flexibility, satisfaction. The implementation of medical records that are done in the hospital include: assembling, coding, indexing, analysis and reporting. The researcher aims to know the performance analysis of outpatient medical record service of Temanggung General Hospital.
The design in this research is by using the method of observation, documentation and interview. Observation is done by doing observation on how Medical Record Service Performance Outpatient RSUD Temanggung. While the interview is done by 1 Chief Hospital Director, 1 Head of Medical Record, and 3 patient / Hospital visitor.
The result of the research shows that the quality of service available in RSUD Temanggung about quality in service, quality of service which done in RSUD Temanggung has been given in accordance with requirement and satisfaction from patient. However, the efficiency of time given in hospitals Temanggung still need to be noticed again because in every Hospital wakt efficiency is in need once.
In Medical Record Outpatient assembling technique in Medical Record has been done in accordance with the policy of Hospital using Terminal digit filling method.
The conclusion of this research that publij service which is done in RSUD is already in accordance with society requirement, society have enough satisfied with service given. It would be better if the efficiency of time is more attention.