This study aims to find out the mechanism and empowerment pattern of productive zakat funds through Kampung Ternak Program carried out by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta. It also aims to find out the effect of empowerment activities on the members of this program as well as to figure out the enabling and inhibiting factors in conducting this program in the field.
This study was a field study with qualitative approach and used descriptive analysis approach method. Observation, interview and documentation study were the data gathering techniques used in this study, and then the data were interpreted according to the phenomena and issues found in the field during research. The subjects of this study were Lembaga Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta and the members of Paguyuban Kampung Ternak Nadawazis in Plengan Village and the members of Paguyuban Ngudi Rejeki in Gunungbutak Village. The subjects of the study were selected by purposive sampling method.
The result of the study shows that First, Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta has chosen its location in a very selective way by analyzing secondary data, surveys and involving local authorized officials. Facilitators support was also provided for counseling and assistance. The empowerment pattern carried out was Gaduh Sosial. Second, the effect of this program is that there is increasing business profit, increasing family living standard and improving skills and knowledge. Third, the enabling factors of the program in Gunungbutak Village are farming culture, resilient attitude of the society, one hundred percent Muslim population, and adjacent neighboring. On the contrary, those factors become inhibiting factors towards Plengan Village, except the farming culture. Meanwhile, the enabling factor for Plengan Village is the abundant availability of livestock feed, by which it becomes the inhibiting factor for Gunungbutak Village instead.