This research is aimed at: 1) identifying the methods of moral education conducted at MTS Nurul Huda Kotabaru, 2) describing students social attitude at MTS Nurul Huda Kotabaru class of IXA, 3) analyzing factors that cause changes on students moral and social attitude at MTS Nurul Huda Kotabaru.
This research used qualitative descriptive research. Data sources were compiled through interview, observation, and documentation. The technique used in determining sample was purposive sampling that is sample collecting based on several considerations that conclude the ones who know best related to the intended area to be observed. Whilst, data presentation was shown through descriptive qualitative which describes object and situation as how their real condition by asking several questions qualitatively.
The research results in: 1) methods of moral education at MTS Nurul Huda Kotabaru are conducted by implementing several things such as role model, by giving advice and lecture inside and outside classroom, habit building and punishment as sanctions regulated in the school’s written regulation. Generally, the methods are considerably well-implemented and is able to influence students positively. 2) social attitude shown by students related to honesty, discipline, responsibility, manner, care and self confidence are generally well-built within students. 3) factors which cause changes on students moral and social attitude are consisting of two aspects, those are internal and external. The internal factors are caused by students’ intrinsic motivation and habit, the external factors are caused by students’ association with outside environment, parents’ background, and the fact that some have been working at their school ages.