Similarity index: The Role of OMS in Community Empowerment of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program in Berbah and Prambanan Subdistricts, Sleman Regency,Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia
Kawuryan, Megandaru W
Rochmansjah, Heru
Purnomo, Eko Priyo
Susantina, Sukatm
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On May 27, 2006, Special Province of Yogyakarta was hit by an earthquake registered 5.9 on the Richter scale, resulting 428.909
people to be recorded as homeless. To handle the Earthquake disaster in Yogyakarta, Governor of Yogyakarta issued Governor Regulation No. 23, year 2006, which expressed that the basic principle of Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program in DIY was based on Community Groups. Based on the Governor Regulation, Sleman subdistrict government chose that the housing rehabilitation and reconstruction policy was handed fully to the community, starting from the data collection process until the fund reconstruction disbursement. According to Sleman Regency government, the reconstruction fund distribution would be difficult to control by the government because the community had their own manner to distribute the aid that they received, this bottom-up policy was then accommodated in an institution that was called as Local Community Organization (OMS). This research used a qualitative approach, with qualitative descriptive analysis method. The data were collected by using interviews, observations, and literature studies. Based on the research result discussion, the following conclusion points were obtained:OMS was a policy breakthrough created by Sleman Regency Government to minimize the potential conflicts emergence in the
community. OMS position was responsible to the two parties at the same time, namely the government and the society. The institution reported the result of its assessment to the government. This report was made to be the basis for the community groups’ formation which in turn would receive reconstruction fund. OMS carried out a partial role of Sleman Regency Government, namely in the data collection of the community damage houses. OMS was deemed to be more capable to conduct the data collection because they knew exactly about the houses location, the ownership status and the condition after hit by the earthquake.