Unawareness of the roles and competencies of other health professions has
led to many medical and medication errors in the treatment of patients in the
hospital. It is considered important to
give Interprofessional Education (IPE)
to students at pre-clinic and clinical stage in order to have a good
understanding about roles of other he
alth professionas. IPE is an
interprofessional collaborative learning
to support promotive, preventive,
curative, rehabilitative and other approches related to health aspect.
Perception is among the most important and highly needed skill in the
implementation of IPE.
This research aimed to determine the effect of IPE
learning toward the perception among the
students in Faculty of Medicine
and Health Science of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FMHS
UMY). This is an observational study
adopting a cross sectional design. The
sample of students was collected th
rough purposive sampling technique. A
number of 94 students met the inclusion cr
iteria, comprised of 21 students of
Medical Profession Education, 25 of De
ntistry Profession Education, 25 of
Nursing Profession Education and 21 U
ndergraduate student
s of Pharmacy.
Samples were given questionnaire of
Interdiciplinary Education Perception
. Comparative test
was done by
Kruskall-Wallis test.
From 94 students
of FMHS, 75.5% had good perception toward IPE. No significant differences
appeared in perception (p=0.285) am
ong the students of FMHS UMY. The
Interprofessional Education
(IPE) had significant effects toward the
perception among the students of FMHS UMY