Eruption of volcano is one of the threats of a disaster that can not be planned. therefore, the people of Indonesia who live around the volcano must prepare themselves if the disaster occurs. On October 26, 2010 Mount Merapi erupted, The damage caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi impacts like the destruction of public facilities. such as damage to houses, schools, places of worship, health services and other public facilities. Taking into account some of these negative impacts, the government made several disaster-relief programs in accordance with Regulation No.17 / 2010 on general guidelines for post-disaster reconstruction rehabilitation and reconstruction. The purpose of this study is to assess the physical condition of buildings and infrastructure in the Huntap karangkendal, Huntap Pagerjurang, Huntap Batur, Huntap Plosokerep, Huntap Banjarsari in Cangkringan Distric. As well as to determine whether there is an increase and decrease of eligibility and provide information in an effort to improve the feasibility of development. data collection in this research using field observation method and documentation. From the results of research that has been done can be concluded that all buildings Huntap included in the category of minor damage with damage value <35%, the largest damage values based on the sample in each huntap is as follows , Huntap Karangkendal 19,70%, Huntap Pagerjurang 19,73%, Huntap Batur 20,79%, Huntap Plosokerep 18,34%, Huntap Banjarsari 17,96%.