The film is one of the most powerful propaganda media to deliver its message. Movies have a significant impact on the audience, for example influencing for opinions mix, influence the lifestyle and so on.
The purpose of this study is to find out the propaganda of Islamophobia in the American sniper movie. This research is a qualitative research using semiotic analysis approach by Charles Sander Pierce. This approach tries to understand the signs of symbols, icon and index. Charles Sander Pierce's theory is famous for his idea of the triadic triangle, namely the mark chosen (representative), the meaning of sign (interpretant) and object. This study also examines which propaganda messages are limited in American sniper films, which are particularly related to Islamophobia.
The results of this study shows that the existence of Islamophobic propaganda is embedded in icons, indexes and symbols in the movie American Sniper. There is also a message of propaganda Islamophobia through the use of some propaganda techniques in this film.