Kamijoro Weir is planned for water supply for Pijenan Weir which irrigates 27 hectares of rice fields, consisting of 296 hectares area of Jigutan Irrigation Area and 2074 hectares area of Kebonongan . For optimizing the supply of irrigation, weirs are required to be able to perform their tasks maximally, so that a little damage in the weir can affect the performance of itself. For avoiding the damages that could reduce the function, the weirs that built must comply with a stability requirements, so there is important to do a research for determining the dam stabilities. This study aims to determine the value of safe factor againsts sliding, overturning, and pipping..
In this study, the checking of stability against pipping is analyzed using Lane Method, meanwhile for sliding and overturning is analyzed using the forces acting on the weir, both the forces in the body of the weir itself and the forces from outside the weir. In addition to analyze these forces, that is also carried out abuot the foundation reaction analysis due to the vertical forces acting on the weir.
The result of the safe fackor value of the weir against sliding is 0.14 and for overturning is 2.3, with the requirement of a minimum safe factor value of 0.2 and 1.69. The grade secure seepage value for pipping is 134.13 for flood water conditions and 7.93 for normal water level conditions, with the requirement for a minimum safe value for Lane seepage on rough sand type is 5.0. Thus, it can be concluded that Kamijoro Dam is safe against sliding, overturning and pipping.