The planning of earthquake resistant building structureis important thing in Indonesia, it aims to provide performance according to the prevail regulation. Buildings in Indonesia are required to follow the regulations that have been established. This study refers to BSN (2012), FEMA (2000) and ATC (1996). The purpose of this study is evaluate the performance of a building by looking for the value of the building's deviation to the earthquake load and to looking for level the performance of building. Displacement analysis method which is used to the earthquake load is the Pushover method. The purpose of pushover analysis is to estimate the maximum force and deformation that occurs and to determine the building structure collapse behaviour. Program analysis used of finite element is assisting in calculating the lateral forces that occur due to earthquake loads in the AR Fachruddin building, Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta. The result of displacement value from pushover analysis, x direction is 0,07208 m, y direction is 0,06901 m and diagonal direction is 0,03882 m. For drift ratio value, the x direction is 0.32%, y direction is 0.30% and diagonal direction is 0.16%, according to ATC (1996) and FEMA (2000) the drift ratio value is reached. The performance level of the building structure based on displacement targets according to the methods of FEMA (2000) and ATC (1996), the AR Fachruddin building on building structure has not reached the IO (Immediate Occupancy) because the building is safe, not too much of victims and not experiencing collapse on the structural of building.