This study aims to: (1) describe and analyze the planning, organization,
implementation, and evaluation of program activities related to teacher
professional development management and (2) find out the achievement of
students of SMP Unggulan ‘Aisyiyah Bantul.
The type of research chosen by the researcher is qualitative research. The
location chosen by the researcher is SMP Unggulan ‘Aisyiyah Bantul. The
techniquess of data collecting used by the reseracher are observation, interview
and documentation.
Based on the results of research conducted by the researcher in this study,
the writer can conclude: 1) the management of teacher professionalism planning
sees from the analysis of programs that have been done as a reference in
determining the planning program in the future. 2) The organization of teacher
professional development activities has been well implemented, although there are
still constraints in terms of MGMP implementation both internal and external. 3)
The implementation of professional development management has been
implemented well, although in the implementation of comparative study not
evenly distributed in every subject teacher, which has been occasionally new in
the realm of Principal, vice principal, and eight representatives of Affairs. 4) The
management of teacher professional development supervisory was done as
program evaluation that has been done and must be done in a manner 5) The
existence of teacher professionalism improvement program in SMP Unggulan
‘Aisyiyah turns out to have an effect on the improvement of students’
achievement. This is marked by the achievements that have been achieved, both
academic and non-academic achievement. The achievements that have been
achieved by students are closely related to the quality of teachers in teaching. It is
also closely related to the existing organizational culture in the SMP Unggulan
‘Aisyiyah such as the culture of being honest, work hard, intelligent, sincere,
qualified and complete as well as the spirit of fastabiqul khairat (competing in
goodness) and academic consulting.
Keywords: Development Management, Teacher Professionalism, Student