Pengaruh Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Spiritual Siswa (Studi Kasus Di SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta)
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the PAI learning process in improving the spiritual intelligence of students in SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta.
This research used descriptive quantitative approach involving 24 grade XI students as the sample. The data was collected using questionnaire, interview, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used was data reduction, data display and data verification or conclusion. The results of this study are 1) The quality level of Islamic Religious Education learning process is in a good category (79,82%) which covers students’ enthusiasm in following the learning process (77,08%), students’ involvement during the learning process (61,46%), the curriculum for Islamic Religious Education has met students’ need (87,50%), teachers are fun in teaching (79,17%), teachers motivate the students (89,58%), supporting facilities and infrastructure (80,21%) and teachers use learning media in teaching (81,25%). 2) The PAI learning process is able to improve the spiritual intelligence of student in SMK Negeri 4 Yogyakarta by 78,45% (Good), which includes aspect of faith (82,81%), worship (74,74%), experience (66,67%) and practice (89,58%).
Keywords : Islamic Religious Education learning evaluation, spiritual intelligence