Gajah Wong’s River is one of the largest river that divide Yogyakarta Special Region. Besides being used for the necessities of people who live around it, this river can also make a disaster that is flood. Flood is a problem that must be taken seriously especially when the rainy season comes. This study aims to determine the level of flood risk disasters around the Gajah Wong watershed. Flood risk levels are influenced by three factors including the level of hazard, vulnerability, and flood capacity levels. Each of these factors has parameters that affect the risk level of flood disaster. To obtain data from each parameter conducted by survey and questionnaire to the people and government agencies. The methods that used to analyze the data are scoring, weighting, and map processing by geographic information system (GIS). It based on Perka BNPB No.02 Tahun 2012. The next step is to create a flood disaster risk map using overlay techniques or overlapping maps. From the results of the study, it shows that the flood hazard level in 24 villages is low, 1 villages are moderate, and 1 village is high. The result of vulnerability analysis is 18 villages classified as moderate, and 8 other villages are low. While the results of capacity level analysis indicate there are 18 villages including medium capacity, and 8 villages with high capacity. The conclusion of this research is flood risk level in Gajah Wong watershed is low. It cause by the capacity level of disaster from village is very well with low level of hazard and flood vulnerability.