dc.contributor.advisor | SYAMSI, MUHAMAD IBNU | |
dc.contributor.advisor | MONIKA, FANNY | |
dc.contributor.author | DIYANTO, RAHMAD | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-10-23T02:56:43Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-10-23T02:56:43Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018-08-28 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/22474 | |
dc.description | Gedung A.R Fachruddin B merupakan gedung yang telah lama berdiri, gedung
tersebut dibangun sebelum adanya peraturan gempa yang terbaru, oleh karena itu
gedung tersebut perlu dilakukan studi mengenai kelayakan strukturnya, salah satu
upayanya dengan usulan penambahan perkuatan menggunakan bracing. Penelitian
ini dilakukan dengan analisis numerik menggunakan software finite element untuk
mengetahui respon struktur yang terjadi akibat beban gempa dinamik respon
spektrum. Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengevaluasi terlebih dahulu
kondisi eksisting gedung terhadap nilai base shear, story shear, drift rasio, dan
simpangan kumulatifnya. Hasil evaluasi eksisting menunjukan gedung tidak aman
terhadap beban gempa yang terjadi sehingga diusulkan untuk ditambahkan
perkuatan bracing yang letaknya berada di sisi dalam gedung. Profil yang
digunakan untuk perkuatan bracing memakai profil baja 2L 90.90.14 dengan nilai
rasio desain kurang sebesar 0,74. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa nilai base
shear akibat beban gempa dinamik mengalami peningkatan sebesar 14,63 %
untuk arah X dan 6,11% untuk arah Y. Story shear mengalami kenaikan terbesar
pada lantai 5 arah X sebesar 15,52%. Nilai drift ratio terjadi penurunan
maksimum sebesar 38% akibat beban gempa arah X dan 35% arah Y. Simpangan
kumulatif mengalami penurunan sehingga telah memenuhi dari syarat yang
diijinkan yaitu nilai simpangannya lebih kecil dari batas nilai simpangan
kumulatif yang di ijinkan. Penggunaan bracing dapat menambahkan kekakuan
struktur sehingga nilai frekuensi strukturya mengalami peningkatan sebesar
21,78% serta nilai periode strukturnya mengalami penurunan sebesar 27,85% | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | A.R Fachruddin B is a long-standing building, the building was built before the
latest earthquake regulation, therefore the building needs to be studied about the
feasibility of its structure with the proposed addition of reinforcement using
bracing. This research was carried out with numerical analysis using finite
element software to assist in calculating the lateral forces that occur due to
dynamic seismic load spectrum response. The steps are carried out by evaluating
the existing building conditions in advance to the base shear value, story shear,
drift ratio, and cumulative deviation. The results of the existing evaluation showed
that the building was not safe against the seismic load that occurred, so the
bracing reinforcement was located on the inside of the building. The profile used
for bracing reinforcement uses steel profile 2L 90.90.14 with a design ratio less
than 0.74. The results of the analysis show that the base shear value due to
dynamic seismic load has increased by 14.63% for the direction of X and 6.11%
for the direction of Y. The story shear experienced the largest increase on the 5th
floor X at 15.52%. Drift ratio values that occur in the structure before
reinforcement with bracing do not meet the conditions permitted, therefore it is
necessary to strengthen the drift ratio to meet the requirements so that a
maximum decrease of 38% due to earthquake direction X and 35% Y direction.
decrease so that it has fulfilled the allowable conditions, namely the deviation
value is smaller than the limit of the cumulative deviation allowed. The use of
bracing can add structural rigidity so that the structural frequency value has
increased by 21.78% and the value of the structure period has decreased by
27.85%. | en_US |
dc.subject | Respons spectrum, Base shear, Story shear, Drift ratio, Bracing | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
524 | en_US |