This study aims to find out the characteristics of the application needed in academic supervision, develop an Academic Supervision Instrument model through Android-based applications, and find out about the product feasibility level of the Android-based Academic Supervision Instrument model in the implementation of supervision in the Muhammadiyah schools in Gunungkidul Regency based on the trials which was already carried out.
This type of research is a research and development aimed at developing the Academic supervision application program. This research uses a qualitative approach, with inductive method for data analysis. The development of this application uses ten steps of development. The subject of this study was Muhammadiyah schools in Gunungkidul Regency, with the technique of collecting data using interview methods, documentation, and observation.
The conclusions of this research is, first, the criteria of academic supervision application program required are user-friendly, can help the implementation of the supervision and can be accessed anywhere, and anytime with the smartphone. The development of Android-based academic supervision applications in the form of web service has the ability to process data and produce fast information. The criteria for the application are: (1) Instrument data can be accessed anywhere and anytime with an internet connection; (2) Speed and accuracy of data processing; (3) Completeness of report that can be directly known by the recapitulation, including records and follow-up; (4) Teachers and supervisors can see the instruments and results quickly; (5) Report is stored in the database, it can be downloaded and can be printed anytime. Second, the program development is carried out through 10 steps: (1) Seeing the potential of the problems, by conducting preliminary research related to the needs in the field, (2) Collecting data from various literature as the sources for the development of academic supervision application program, (3) Product design as needed in the field, (4) Design validation carried out by supervising practitioners is valid with revision, (5) Revision of the design in the form of adding menus to create new instruments, (6) Trial of products by media experts, material experts, and linguists according to procedure of usage, (7) Product revision, in the form of adding school information, adding instruments, and menu dropping subjects, (8) Usage testing conducted with users, (9) Product revision, by compiling tutorial books and adding supporting menus, and (10) Mass production. Third, test results show that this application program is capable of carrying out its functions in accordance with the design, which is in the processing of supervision data. The result of feasibility test shows that Android-based Academic Supervision Application Program can run smoothly, in terms of ease of use, data completeness, and compatibility with needs, data accuracy, and accuracy of calculations.
Keywords: Development of Instrument, Supervision, Android-based Application