This study is aimed at finding out the learning process of Islamic education for autistic children whether it is different from teaching Islamic education to normal children. The implementation of Islamic education in SLA Fredofios starting from the objectives, curriculum, methods, evaluations applied and the obstacles faced in teaching Islamic education in children with autism is observed.
This research is a qualitative research because the data are presented in descriptive narrative form and does not use statistical and quantitative procedures. The sources of information for this study are the principal, the teacher of Islamic religious education, and the administration staff. Meanwhile, the data were collected using observations, interviews, and documents. The data analysis technique in this study was Spradley data analysis meaning that the data were analyzed simultaneously with the data collection process consisting of domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, compound analysis, and theme analysis.
The findings in the study are: Firstly, the internalization of Islamic religious values in SLA Fredofis Yogyakarta is implemented through the process of learning Islamic education itself with the exemplary methods (habituation), the curriculum used in SLA Fredofis is a national curriculum combined with a curriculum modified by the teacher of their respective studies. Secondly, the method commonly used in teaching Islamic education in SLA Fredofios is a demonstration method and behavioral learning method such as formation and modeling. Thirdly, the media / instruments used in Islamic Education learning in SLA Fredofios are all activities related to Islamic education using more visual media. Fourthly, the obstacles faced by the teachers in teaching Islamic education in children with autism are due to different autistic disorders in children, the teachers must know the condition of each student very well and there is lack of parental participation.