Background: The number of active male active smokers in Indoneia reached 57.1% and women 36% of the total population of Indonesia, while more than 217.400 people who died because of tobacco use. A large number of smokers in Indonesia led to the changes cause of death, which was originally dominated by infectious diseases to non-communicable diseases. These issues need to be cover by giving the education to reduce smoking behavior, education may be a picture or other visual media.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of visual educational media through line against student smoking behavior PSIK-UMY.
Methods: This study was a quantitative research, Quasy-Experimental with pre-test and post-test control group design. Measurement of behavior done during the pre-test, one week and post-test. The study was conducted in May 2016. The respondents consisted of 18 people in the treatment group were given intervention in the form of visual education media delivery through Line and 18 in the control group with simple random sampling technique.
Results: The results of analysis by Friedman test in the intervention group obtained value of p = 0.005 with the average of the highest behavior on the measurement of the current behavior of the pre-test (9.89). Post-Hoc Analysis Wilcoxon test showed the value of p = 0.034 in the measurement of the behavior of one-week intervention against the pre-test and measurements of the behavior when the post-test of the pre-test p value = 0.013. Friedman test results measuring the behavior of the control group obtained p = 0.006 with the highest average was shown in pre-test (8.06). Post-hoc analysis of the wilcoxon test obtained p = 0.020 in the Post-test measurements of the Pre-test and post-test measurement of the behavior of one week showed p = 0.025. The results of Kruskal-Wallis test showed the value of p = 0.179.
Conclusion: There is no effect of visual educational media by Line toward smoking behaviour on student of PSIK UMY. Therefore, researchers suggested for further research in order to develop this research to be better in the future and deepen all the factors associated with adolescent smoking behavior