Klajuran village is included in the subdistrict of Nanggulan known as PHP district (Integrated Pest Control). This has been declared since 5 years ago by Agriculture Department Kulonprogo. Actively PHP district development is supported by all parties at the urban village level through Gapoktan (Farmer Grups) named Tanjung Lestari. Gapoktan runs approximately 4 years consists of 12 farmer and 5 women farmers. This program aims to improve and develop the potential of agriculture. As for the problems that arise is how the potential of agriculture that some citizens move in this sector both in the field of agricultural land and yard used as a place suitable for organic planting. This empowerment activity is supported by community service in the form of KKN-PPM. Some of these programs include the manufacture of organic fertilizer, Biferia manufacture, Agrotourism counseling, Planting a thousand flowers, the distribution of seeds and plants Kelengkeng. Methods of activities such as extension services, mentoring services, and producing products from biferia processing as pest medicines, processing of organic fertilizier from cow manure that is well processed and the products are both used back to the citizens for organic farming. In the empowerment of the community in addition to producing products are also equipped with the manufacture of leaflets containing the process of making organic fertilizier and biferia. This leaflet is very useful for guidelines for farmers making organic and biferia. In the implementation of this program there are somethings that are the attitude of citizens in the empowernment of the enthusiasm of farmers, awareness to map the potential for example tourism potential in Klajuran village namely Agrotourism. Hope in the future there is continuity and sustainability of the previous devotion so that the potential developed in Klajuran village can be digged deeper.