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dc.contributor.authorSURWANDONO, SURWANDONO
dc.identifier.citationSurwandono, Malaysian Disaster Diplomacy: Structure and Policy, Yogyakarta, MIHI UMY dan CV Komojoyo, 2018en_US
dc.description.abstractAlhamdulillah, all praises to Allah the Almighty, there is no God but Allah, for every joyful of Iman and Islam that has been giving to this ummah. Shalawat and salam may always be granted to the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family. This monograph is one of the author dedication to enrich the learning quality improvement process at the Department of International Relation Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, in the topic of disaster management or disaster diplomacy in South East Asia. This monograph was a comprehensive compilation of 6-year types of research under the grant of Higher Education of Indonesia with the scheme of International Cooperation and Publication Grant. It is expected that this monograph may facilitate academic community to understand the dynamic of disaster management in Malaysia, one of the South East Asia countries which have managed disaster issues efficiently and successfully in the context of International Relation. The author would like to send his gratitude to the Department of International Relation Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta for supporting in publishing this monograph. In addition, the author would like also to thanks to all research colleagues: Ratih Herningtyas, Muhammad Zahrul Anam, and Dr. Ade Meiliyana from the Islamic International University of Malaysia; to our students: Rizki Dian Nursita, Tri Astuti Susanthi Retnoningsih, Nabila Wulandari M.A Malik, Ajeng Puspa Marlinda, Annisa Rizky Puspita Dewi for their dedication in gathering data. The author would also to acknowledge the help of Faqih who has designed and edited the layout of this monograph. The last but not least, the author is very thankful to his family who endlessly supports this work, Ummi Dr. Novarina, Ananda Muhammad Faqih Jihan Insani, Jihan Izzatun Nisa, dan Ghaida Azka Fadhilla. All critics to improve this book are welcome.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDIKTI RIen_US
dc.publisherMIHI UMY dan CV Komojoyoen_US
dc.subjectDisaster Diplomacyen_US

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