dc.description.abstract | ABSTRACT
Concwnnt ehcaou in lndoresia tpill be leld th 2019, b*
thne }u.s bur rc polic't ta rcguhta tfum yet. Ttz furpae ol
this terearch is to twp out th. oppofiunities and chalhnga o[
cotcunent ehctiow ond abo to identify some Probhns of lre
ifiphrfiznrrltion of corrcurtent elzcticn in ladotaia fiom
polirical, pe$pectiae, apecial! from the 4 artors, name\ tfu
goeemm.nt, polittcal pafiies, eLctqol ddmifliti,.to[ anl the
society. This it o E alitotiee ruearch using yintr'1 and
secondary data fiom documermr1 and ittentieu with some
political eapcrts. Tlu resuhs of this raearch inaicoll- th4r
coruulr:cnt ehction will stengthen the praidential slstem,
irnr;rease thr efficrercl of thc part'J oryonilation and ebcwal
odfiinisrralio\ ond &o h,creue &. pofiiripatior. of t)ote$.
But thzre ore sone problerns ln tfu impkrwntotion conatftnt
ekctions in lndotnsia, nonwll: 1). Preparedness of dle elzctarul
golerratve, 2) arangenert and grchtotization of etection
bwq 3) slmplificdtinn of the elzetoral slstzm and 4)
simphfication of tfu political parq slstem, ard 5) political
awo,re;.cts of bolitbol d.tors ond sociery. | en_US |