dc.description.abstract | A research to study the sterilizstion method and apptication of Kinctia and IAA to induce
thc Durian young lcsf (Durio zibethinusl in MS modium was conductcd in Balai Benih lnd*
Honikultumin Salanran Magelang disuict of Ccntral Java sulrt d on Scpember until Docember
The Laboratory experiment was anangcd in two phases, *hich werp the optimation phase
of sterilization and induction phasc. At the first F8sc, the stcrilization rncthod usod was thc
modification of Mulya (2001) metlrod. Thc modification uso of sterilant, vitamin C utioridsnq
Alcohol 70 %, Benlate, Agfept, Tweeu-20 and Betadinc wcre dorc to obtain cffcctivcncse of the
starilization. Explants planrcd thcn fur MS modium for trro wcelcs. Contamination limo, pcrccntagc
of contamination and viabilitas (pcrccntage of living cxplaots) werc observed thea. At the second
phase. tlrc usatments were ananged in a 3 x 3 frctoriEl completcly randomizcd design (CRD) to
observcd thc influenoc of Kinain and I"AA combination. The concentration of Kinetin observed
were 2, 4, and 6 mg/l, where as $re [AA concentration wcre 0.5, l;0, and 1.5 mgfl. All rcaunents
wcrc rcpeatod thrtc timcs, with ttuoc samplcs on cach rcplication,,llre percentage of bruwning
explants, percentage of contarniauod explants, sitc of contamination and percentage of explants
live were observed rt the end of incubatiou | en_US |