Pregnant were a natural process an human life and every woman expect it. Every pregnant mother have to consume nutritious food for fulfilling nutritional requirements, so mother will not experience KEK , BBLR , IUGR , death .SDKI ( 2012, AKI = 359 / 100,000 KH>AKI 2007 = 228 / 100,000 KH. Men nane an obligation in maintenance the health of pregnant women .Puskesmas Gamping 1: 5 / 3 bumil is not between husband when checking pregnancy, but pregnant women who eats nutritious were not to be taken husband . To know support husband relations with the behavior the health of pregnant women in consumed the food nourishing at Puskesmas Gamping 1sleman Yogyakarta .
The kind of research analytic correlational with the design cross-sectional .Sample is 37 pregnant women that visit Puskesmas Gamping 1 Sleman of the date may 5 until the date of 4 june 2016 , taken a total of sampling. Hundreds of thousands is kuisioner . Data analyzed by test chi square .
Characteristic of a pregnant mother in Puskesmas Gamping 1 Sleman most of them are was & gt; 30 years of age ( 37.8 % ) , educated and middle 73,0 % ) , was the mother households namely 21 people ( 56,8 % ) , and including of parity 0 or of parity 1 .Characteristic of husband mother is was & gt; 30 years of age ( 56,7 % ) , educated and middle 73,0 % ) and in private ( 43,2 % ) .Pregnant women most attracted support both in consume nutritious food for pregnant ( 75,7 % ) and keep good behaviour for consume nutritious food for pregnant ( 89,2 % ) .The results of the chi square value significance 0,038.
There was a correlation between support husband with the behavior the health of pregnant women in consume nutritious food for pregnant in Puskesmas Gamping 1sleman