Lebih dari 50% pasien diabetes melitus mengalami neuropati diabetik. Masalah yang sangat penting adalah bagaimana mendiagnosis Neuropati Diabetik (ND) dengan cepat, dengan biaya murah dan dapat dikerjakan pada semua layanan kesehatan terutama yang memiliki keterbatasan alat diagnostic. Tujuan dari studi ini yaitu menilai reliabilitas interrater dan validitas Neuropathy Symptom Score (NSS) dan Neuropathy Deficit Score (NDS) sebagai skor ND. Studi ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Populasi subjek penelitian menggunakan pasien dengan gangguan toleransi glukosa dan diperoleh (n) 146 dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang telah ditentukan. Diagnosis ND didapatkan dengan menggunakan NSS, NDS dan elektrodiagnostik dengan menilai NCS saraf medianus, tibialis dan suralis. Diperoleh hasil secara berturut-turut reliabilitas, sensitivitas, spesifisitas NSS dan NDS dengan membandingkan dengan hasil NCS sebagai berikut 92%, 84.25%, 66.66% dan 86%, 85.71%, 83.33%. Sebagai kesimpulan penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa skor Neuropathy Symptom Score dan Neuropathy Deficit Score sebagai skor diagnostik klinik neuropati diabetik memiliki reliabilitas inter-rater yang excellent dan nilai sensitivitas yang tinggi, meskipun NSS memiliki nilai spesifisitas yang kurang.
More than 50% of diabetic patients are suffering from diabetic neuropathy. The emerging problem is how to diagnose Diabetic Neuropathy (DN) quickly, cost effective, and can be implemented in all health care provider, mostly those that have limited diagnostic modality. The purpose of this study is to measure interrater reliability and validity of NSS and NDS as a clinical diagnostic score of DN. This design of this study is a cross sectional study. The population subject of this research are patients with impaired glucose metabolism (n=146) selected by the inclusion and exclusion criteria that has been started before. Detection of DN was conducted by using NSS, NDS and electrodiagnostic modality by recording NCS of median nerve, tibial nerve and surae nerve. Result that obtained by placing electrodiagnostic result as a gold standard consecutively revealed the reliability, sensitivity, specificity of NSS and NDS are 92%, 84.25%, 66.66% and 86%, 85.71%, 83.33%. As conclusion NSS showed his sensitivity value but less specific. To be used as a clinical diagnostic score of diabetic neuropathy in the other hand NDS showed both high value of sensitivity and specificity. Both of them showed excellent results in reliability test.