Backgroud: Communication between dentist and patient plays an important role in the success of dental health treatment, improving the effectiveness of dental health services and patient satisfaction. The success of dental health services to patients , in addition to professional technical expertise required of a dentist and required of non-technical ability, such as communication skills in dealing with patients behavior and is influenced by several other factors. Aims: Determine the factors that influence the communication between dentist and patient in dental health services at Bethesda hospital DIY. Methods: This research is an observational study with cross sectional design. The subjects were 100 dental patients taken by simple random sampling at the dental clinic Bethesda hospital DIY. The influence variables are frequency of patient visits, accompaniying patient visits when entering the dental clinic room, level of education, gender, age. The variable affected is the communication between the dentist and the patient. The validity and reliability test using questionnaire were conducted on 30 respondents. The measuring tool were questionnaire with Likert scale. The research were using product moment correlation technique with r ranging from 0.416 to 0.698 and p <0.05, the results of reliability with Cronbach alpha technique tt r = 0.876 and p <0.05. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis with significance level of 0.05. Result: The result showed the existence of significant influence among the factors of age (r = 0.236 and p = 0.017), level of education (r = 0.393 and p = 0.000), frequency of patient visits to the dentist (r = 0.291 and p = 0.004), Accompaniying patient visits when entering the dental clinic room (r = 0.259 and p = 0.009) for communication between dentist and patient. While there is no influence of gender (r = 0.166 and p = 0.095) on the communication between dentist and patient. Conclusion: The age factor, frequency patient visits to the dentist, accompaniying patient visits when entering the dental clinic room, level of education , influences the dentist and patient communication while gender has no influence. Factor that give the highest contribution to the communication between dentist and patient is the level of education.