Now showing items 1-10 of 78
Auto Power Spectral Density Analysis for Measuring Energy Attenuation in a Layered Soil Site
Getaran yang berasal dari aktivitas konstruksi, gempa bumi dan pembebanan lalu lintas menjadi penting untuk diperhatikan karena getaran tersebut dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada struktur. Untuk menganalisis suatu getaran ...
Power Spectrum Density of Wavelet (PSDW) Technique for In Situ Measurement of Soil Attenuation Factor
(Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan FT UGM, 2014-06-11)
The attenuation factor is one of important used for determining the effects of vibration, from earthquake, machine vibration, and tremors, on the affected soil site. Many studies have been also carried out for determining ...
Tittle In Situ Measurement Of Pavemenr Modulus Using Surface Wave-Tomography Method
the surface wave tomography method (SWT) method was applied for in situ measurement of the dynamic material parameters, i.e. the dinamycc elastic modulus of pavement structure. The SWT method is a non destructive-test ...
naskah reviewer 31
The Use Of Mixed Waste Recyclied Plastic And Glass As Aggregate Replacement In Asphalt Mixtures
(Jurnal Teknologi, 2018-03-01)
One of the major problems with landfills is that they contain a large amount of solid wastes. Waste plastics and glasses contribute greatly to this problem, and these materials need to be managed ...
Metode Analisis Gelombang Permukaan Untuk Penyelidikan Sub-Permukaan
(LP3M-UMY, 2013-09-20)
naskah reviewer 25
naskah reviewer 37
naskah reviewer 1