ً الضوابط الشرعية في إنكار المنكر: إندونيسيا نموذجا Shari‘ah Controls in Denying Evil: The Indonesian Model
Indonesia is a Muslim country, and, like other countries, is not without evil. Many enthusiastic young men have committed the duty to deny evil. However, they often do not observe the rules set by the Shari‘ah in denying evil. This leads to the commision of another evil similar to or greater than the evil that they first wanted to eradicate. This research aims to explain the importance of legal controls in denying evil through the deep understanding of what it takes in denying evil. To achieve its goals, this research uses the descriptive approach in writing, and the analytical approach to understand the legal issues at hand. The study finds that all Muslims, especially in Indonesia, must first have deep and proper understanding of denying evil before considering their duty to ward off evil. The study also concludes that the denial of evil has general controls, namely, to take into account the larger social interests. These controls must be observed and adhered to in the denial of evil.