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dc.contributor.authorSAPTUTYNINGSIH, ENDAH
dc.description.abstractMangrove forests produce ecosystem services benefitting human beings such as protection from tsunamis, abrasion, carbon sequestration; a place for fish nesting; and also for recreational purposes. However, the values of mangrove forests including their recreational value are often ignored. Several mangrove forests have been converted to other uses that commonly produce a more marketable product such as shrimp farming. Resultantly, loss of mangrove forests could lead to massive economic losses for the surrounding community once a disaster such as tsunami occurs. This paper analyzes the recreational value of mangrove forests and estimate the determinant of tourists’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for mangrove conservation. A mangrove forest in West Lombok Indonesia was chosen for the case study. Travel cost method was employed to capture the mangrove recreational value. A logit regression model was run to estimate the determinant of tourist’ WTP for mangrove conservation. The findings depict that an average recreational value of mangrove forest as much as IDR 1,269,950 (USD 87.58) per visitor per year. The tourists’ income, age, and distance of mangrove forest from home are significantly influencing their WTP for mangrove forest conservation. This paper has recommended that related policy makers improve tourism facilities to attract more visitors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakartaen_US
dc.subjecttravel cost methoden_US
dc.subjectmangrove foresten_US
dc.titleLandslide hazard could have severe impacts on public properties including damaged infrastructure, changing land structure, relocation of buildings and roadways, reduction on water quality in streams and irrigation facilities, etc., Household mitigation for landslide hazard is necessary to reduce such hazard intensity and minimize the impacts. This paper has analyzed household’s willingness to pay (WTP) for landslide hazard mitigation in a high potential risk for landslide hazard regency in Purworejo, Central Java Indonesia. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was employed to capture the household’s WTP. Determinants of the household WTP were estimated using the Logistic regression model. 270 households were chosen using a purposive sampling technique as the respondents of this study. Results showed that 76.7 percent of respondents were willing to pay for an average of IDR 4,500 (USD 0.32) for landslide mitigation. Household income, distance to landslide location, frequency of landslide, and educational attainment have significant effects on the WTP. The paper recommends that the local government should pay more attention to the landslide hazard mitigation programs.en_US

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