Background:Patient with Chronic Renal disease experience reduction of kidney function progressivelythen they will suffer kidney failure. Sleep disorder is a common problem in patients with chronic kidney disease with a high prevalence.Despite it is hard to cure, the expense of the treatment and care is very expensive. Complains about sleep disturbance and excessive daytime sleepiness is very common about 80% from all the patients. This condition effect the quality of sleep and the quality of life. Sleep hygiene is a routine to achieve good quality of sleep and lavender aromatherapy improved associated symptomos such as restlessness, disturbed sleep and somatic complaints had a beneficial influence on general well-being and quality of life. Currently, there are many lines of therapy that can be used to improve quality of sleep both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. Sleep hygiene and aromatherapy is a non-pharmacological therapy to improve sleep quality.
Methods: this quantitative study purposed to determine the effects of intervention of Sleep Hygiene & Aromatherapy combination to improve the quality of sleep and quality of life in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease design with pre- and post-test with control group design. 50 patient was examined and intervention was given for about two weeks and then the patient take the posttest to see the effect correspond to the KDQOL-SF questionnaire and Pittsburg questionnaire.
Results:Based on research data mean score of sleep quality in patients with chronic kidney disease is 9.45 and its included to the category of bad sleep quality. For KDQOL-SF questionnaire, the result from paired test analysis show p=0,002 and result from independent test analysis show p=0,001. Then for Pittsburg questionnaire, Paired T-Test analysis concluded that there was no significant decrease in the pretest and posttest scores in the control group, with p = 0.815 (sig. P <0.05) and there is a decrease in sleep quality scores significantly in the intervention group with P = 0,000 (sig. p <0.05). While the results of the analysis of differences in pretest scores and intervention control group showed no significant difference with p = 0.822 (sig. P <0.05) and there were significant differences of posttest scores control and intervention group P = 0,000 (sig. P <0.05).Both of above analysis describe that the intervention give an effect in the quality of life by improvement in sleep disturbance.
Conclusion:combination of sleep hygiene and aromatherapy have an impact to enhance the quality of life and quality of sleep of chronic renal disease patients through the results of pre and post test of KDQOL-SF 36 and Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index questionnaire.