Background: Schizophrenia is a syndrome with a variety of causes and course of the disease is widespread, as well as some of the consequences that depend on the balance of influence of genetic, physical and cultural. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that is chronic, often subside, but the signage is missing with clinical manifestations very wide variation adjustment pramorbid, symptoms and course of the disease vary widely There is still a lack of studies that discuss related to the relationship of cognitive function with social functioning of patients with schizophrenia, this study needs performed to evaluate the relationship between cognitive function with social functioning of patients with schizophrenia.
Methods: Used the design of Pearson correlation. Sampling with consecutive sampling technique. The instrument used is the Personal Data Questionnaire, Personaland Social Performance Scale (PSP), Schizophrenia Cognition Rating Scale (SCoRS). Analysis of the data used is observational analytic.
Results: In the group of patients with schizophrenia most of the study subjects were males 64 (64.0%). Age subjects mostly aged between 36- 45 years were 40 (40.0%). Most of the patients had a history of complete primary school education were 42 (42.0%). Most of the research subjects did not work as much as 69 (69.70%). Marital status of research subjects are mostly unmarried by 60 (60.0%) for most of the subjects suffered at a young age so most unmarried. Long illness most of the research subject is> 10 years (50.0%). While family history on the subject of the greatest penilitian is no (70.0%). The results of Pearson correlation analysis found cognitive function variables with p values of social function is 0.000, which means that the value of p <0.05.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between cognitive function with social functioning of patients with schizophrenia