dc.contributor.advisor | SUGITO, SUGITO | |
dc.contributor.author | CAHYO, SEPTIAN TRI | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2017-01-03T05:56:31Z | |
dc.date.available | 2017-01-03T05:56:31Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2016-12-21 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/7785 | |
dc.description | Agama Islam awal masuk ke Belanda dari para imigran dan dari Negara jajahan. Islam sendiri merupakan agama yang pesat perkembangannya di Negara ini. Karenanya, kontribusi umat Muslim terhadap kemajuan yang dicapai Negeri Belanda, sangatlah besar. Dan besarnya kontribusi umat Islam itu, sanggup mewarnai kebijakan negara dalam menghormati kebebasan beragama dan toleransi. Muslim di Belanda, seperti penduduk lainnya menikmati hak-hak dasar untuk kebebasan berbicara, agama, pendidikan, dan berorganisasi sebagaimana termasuk dalam Konstitusi Belanda. Akan tetapi, semenjak terjadinya peristiwa 9/11 di Amerika, pandangan warga Belanda mulai berubah terhadap kaum Islam. Mereka menganggap orang-orang bercadar, berjenggot adalah teroris dan merupakan ancaman bagi mereka. Hal inilah yang disebut dengan Islamophobia. Isu Islamophobia secara perlahan terus mengikis citra positif Islam di mata masyarakat Dunia. Isu ini terus memberikan dampak yang cukup tidak menyenangkan dalam bentuk diskriminasi bagi pemeluk agama Islam, terutama di Uni Eropa. Demi untuk menindaklanjuti dan menentang segala kegiatan yang berbentuk diskriminasi agama dan rasial dalam bentuk penjajahan, melihat situasi umat Muslim yang berada di Belanda itu, maka OKI (Organisasi Kerjasama Islam) sebagai sebuah organisasi Islam multirateral terbesar kedua setelah PBB berupaya untuk meredam isu Islamophobia di Belanda. OKI sendiri mengupayakan beberapa hal untuk mengatasi tindakan-tindakan diskriminasi tersebut, yakni dengan mendirikan lembaga research terkait isu Islamophobia, bertindak dan membuat pernyataan terkait setiap isu Islamophobia yang muncul, mempromosikan nilai positif Islam dengan berdialog antar agama, serta bekerja sama dengan Organisasi Internasional lain untuk memerangi isu Islamophobia tersebut. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Islam initial entry into the Netherlands from the immigrants and of the colony. Islam is a religion that is growing relatively fast in this country. Therefore, the contribution of Muslims to the progress made in Holland, is very large. And the contribution of Muslims, could color the state policy in respect for religious freedom and tolerance. Muslims in the Netherlands, like other citizens enjoy basic rights to freedom of speech, religion, education, and association, as included in the Dutch Constitution. However, since the events of 9/11 in the US, began to change the view of the Dutch against Muslims. They consider those veiled, bearded terrorists and a threat to them. It is called Islamophobia. The issue of Islamophobia slowly continue to erode the positive image of Islam in the eyes of the world. These issues continue to give impact quite unpleasant in the form of discrimination for adherents of Islam, especially in the European Union. In order to follow up and oppose any activity that is in the form of religious discrimination and intolerance in the form of a colonization, looking at the situation of Muslims in the Netherlands, then the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) as an Islamic organization of multilateral second largest after the United Nations seeks to minimize the issue of Islamophobia in the Netherlands, OKI tries a few things to overcome discrimination action, namely by establishing research related to issues of Islamophobia, act and make a statement regarding the issue of Islamophobia that emerged, promoting the positive values of Islam and the dialogue between religions, as well as cooperation with the International Organization for The issue of combating Islamophobia. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FISIP UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Islamophobia, Netherlands, OKI. Islamophobia, Belanda, OKI | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
547 | en_US |