This research aimed at: 1) Analyzing the curriculum planning of PUTM (analysis of situation, objective formulation, material selecting, planning implementation and examination and planning evaluation): 2) Analyzing the curriculum implementation and; 3) Analyzing existing curriculum evaluation doing research of the curriculum development in PUTM in order to meet the vision and mission as well as the objective of the establishment of PUTM.
The type of this research was field research that used qualitative and descriptive approach. The location of this research was in The Education of Muhammadiyah Ulama Tarjih (PUTM), the subject of this research was PUTM curriculum that had always been dynamic from year to year. The data was gathered with observation method, interview and documentation and then it was analyzed with deductive and inductive method.
The result of this research indicated that the curriculum development that had been done by the PUTM had already been very good including: 1) curriculum planning that discussed a) situation analysis, b) objective formulation, c) material selecting, d) planning implementation and e) examination and planning evaluation. 2) curriculum implementation in PUTM and 3) curriculum evaluation. There were few lacks on curriculum development done by PUTM, those were 1) did not really involve teacher contribution towards the support system, 2) did not pay attention and allocate the same portion on synthesis level, especially the evaluation on the cognitive domain. Meanwhile the affective domain was on appreciation, organization, and categorization phase and 3) did not fully pay attention the diagnose examination procedure, formative examination and summative examination.