Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Java Videotron dalam Mempromosikan Layanan Iklan Videotron di Yogyakarta
Videotron is an outdoor media advertising campaign which is currently being developed in major cities, especially in Yogyakarta. Videotron according to practitioners is an unconventional media in the form of moving display through digital media that displays promotion in the form of audio-visual. In promoting a new product, marketing communication strategies become one of the important aspects. This study was conducted to describe about Java Videotron’s marketing communications strategy in promoting Videotron advertising service in Yogyakarta. In addition of being a new outdoor advertising media, there are still a lot of people who do not know the definition and function of Videotron. Those problems were a challenge for Java Videotron itself in marketing these Videotron in Yogyakarta. Researchers conducted the study by using descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are the main director of Java And Co, the division chief of Java Advertising, the division chief of Java Videotron and financial division chief of Java And Co. Data collected in this study was done by interview, observation and documentation. Based on the results of research conducted, shows that Java Videotron using 4 kinds of communication media, which are: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing and Personal Selling. From 4 of the communication media that previously mentioned, communication media by Personal Selling is the most effective medium for Java Videotron marketing since its establishment until today. Through Personal Selling, Java Videotron can build a good relationship and follow up with a process that is more intense or more in-depth.