MANAJEMEN PROMOSI ADITV DALAM MENARIK MINAT PENGIKLAN (Studi Kasus Kegiatan Promosi Business to Business Pada Tahun 2015 di PT. Arah Dunia Televisi)
ADiTV is a company operating in the field of mass media information publication provision service. As a local broadcasting station in Yogyakarta, ADiTV has a marketing division which plays an important role in performing the branding of ADiTV that will impact to the company’s profit. ADiTV has a competitor whose brand is considered more familiar to the citizen, which isJogja TV. According to Nielsen ADiTV document in 2014, it was stated that Jogja TV’s viewership reached 2.220 viewers with the percentage of 73,8% while ADiTV’s viewership only reached 687 viewers with the percentage of 22,8% of the total citizen’s number. Through the data, ADiTV’s marketing designed several promotional activities in addressing to the situation. However, the company did not allocate the budget for promotional activities. This research describes the “Business to Business” promotion management applied by the ADiTV’s marketing division in drawing the interest of advertisers with the study case of ADiTV marketing’s promotional activity in 2015. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which uses data collection technique through interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique was through reduction, display, and conclusion drawing/verification.
The result of this research shows that ADiTV’s marketing conducted four promotional activities in managing its promotion, such as barter, sponsorship, promotion media, and service marketing. Out of those four promotional activities, barter became the main alternative as ADiTV marketing’s payment transaction system in alleviating the promotional activities’ costs. ADiTV’s marketing in performing the promotional activities applied several promotional mix techniques, such as sales person and media advertising. Meanwhile, the researcher discovered two important factors that hindered ADiTV’s marketing management in running its promotion, which are: the need of budget for promotional activities and the unequal broadcast quality and range in its coverage zones. As one of the solutions and supporting factors, ADiTV’s marketing utilized the cooperation with media partner clients to help the branding of ADiTV.