Gender equality is the condition when women and men have the same power to shape society in their own life. One of the countries that concern a lot on gender equality is Sweden. The government of Sweden implements feminist norms in their government system both national and international policy for the gender equality purposes. Sweden was the first feminist government in the world which means that the major priority in resources allocation and decision making were put for gender equality purposes. The question emerged when Sweden faced dilemmatic condition to keep implementing feminist norms as its foreign policy while at the same time it means that Sweden indirectly denounced certain countries as the world’s human rights violator and made the relations between Sweden and those countries became worst although that country had important role in Sweden economic.
The objective of this research is to analyze the reason of Sweden in implementing feminist norms as its foreign policy. The writer used constructivism theory as the main theoretical framework. Furthermore, the method that was used by the writer was qualitative methods by using secondary data such as journal, article, e-book and others literacy sources.
As the findings, this research proves that the reasons of Sweden adopting feminist norms in foreign policy is due its several interests such as getting access to decision makers in every country in the world and the opportunity to influence the shape of the strategies and the work plan, show its identity as humanitarian superpower and the desire of Sweden to make gender equality as reality by preventing and combating all forms of violence and discrimination.