Background: The incidence of obesity, generally still showing improvement and becoming a health problem worldwide, including Indonesia (Dullo, 2004). WHO officially declared obesity as a global epidemic (Caballero, 2007) .SOFIA (Smart Software for Weight Loss) created by UMY Doctor Education students in 2014, is a weight loss program that applies to smartphones, with some program components, such as hypnotics therapy, sports schedule reminders, daily consumption pattern reminders, and diet guideline.
Aim:This study aims to determine the effect of the intervention of SOFIA and dietary Guideline on physical activity level.
Research method: This study used a Clinical experimental study with pre-post test control group design. The study group was divided into treatment group and control group was given the intervention of using SOFIA and Auastralian Dietary Guideline while control group was given intervention using Australian GuideLine diet only.
Result and discussion: The result of Paired Sample T-Test test in the treatment group obtained a significance value of p = 0.004 on the first week of intervention, p=0,005 on the second week of intervention, p=0,007 on the third week of intervention and p=0.005 on the last week of intervention, which means that there is a significant influence on the level of physical intervention. The result of the control group test was obtained significance value of p=0.841 on the first week of intervention, p=0,383 on the second week of intervention, p=0,073 on the third week of intervention and p=0.084 on the last week of intervention, which means there is no significant change in the level of physical activity. Analysis of Independent sample T-Test different value ( Δ) Post test and pre-test difference between treatment and control group was found significance p=0.027 on the first week, p=0.73 on the second week, p=0.448 on the third week and p=0.001 on the last week on difference in level of physical activity, which means there is a significant change in the increase of physical activity on the first and fourth week between treatment and control group .
Conclusion: The provision of Sofia and CPG Interventions had a significant effect on increasing of physical activity level.