Since the Cold War’s end, Africa has frequently been the site of severe human rights violations, including many that were perpetrated or directed by a national government against its own citizens. Governments that commit such atrocities do not do so lightly. Powerful motivations lie behind their “preferences for repression,” which is a tool that they employ to retain political power, secure and distribute resources, and ultimately ensure their regime’s survival.
The existence of conflicts in human life can sometimes be positive (constructive) or even negative (destructive). A phenomenon that sometimes conflicts is positive, it turns out that the assumptions underlying the emergence of conflicts should be managed properly in order to be useful for the development of human life, let alone conflict is a part of the human life that can be resolved so it does not lead to the division of society.
The case of Darfur started in 2003 when the government of Sudan supports the militias against non-Arab ethnic groups in the Darfur region of Sudan, and assesses the contribution of the African Union and the UN Security Council to the effort to halt those violations.
The government's role as the organizer of the state, in this case, becomes of crucial importance because the government has the responsibility to manage the societies into a better life and harmony.
In this thesis, the writer will describe the complexity and the factors behind the failure of African Union, started from the history and roots of the conflict in Darfur until several peace agreements from the AU itself until the intervention from UN and ICC.