Asacountrywheretheeconomicsystemstilldependonfinancingof thepublicsector,theexpectationthatdecentralization
policy in Indonesia can improve significantly society welfare has not been fulfilled yet. Happened in Yogyakarta
whichhasspecial authorityincontrolgovernmentaffairs.Constitution no13 years2012aboutDIY privilegesconsist
of 5 things like filling the positions, seat, job and authorities governor and vice governor, institutional affairs, culture
affairs,landaffairs,andspatialaffairs.Withtheconstitution expectedDIY governmentcanguaranteerightof society
to live in prosperity. However, the expectation still can not fulfilled either. This study aims to identify and explain the
policy configuration of DIY Privileged Funds and determine the contribution of the DIY privileged funds in public
welfare acceleration. The research type used is a qualitative approach. Data collection methods technique is dept
interview and elite interviews, and documentation.
Keywords: Budgetary policy, Privilege Funds, Yogyakarta Privilege.