Yogyakarta is one of the cities with various kinds of culinary. Many culinary places that must be visited when traveling to Yogyakarta, but the information about the culinary place that is obtained is limited to the name of the road and the direction or characteristics of the region. The clarity of culinary detail and location where the culinary center is not mapped properly. In addition to limited information, tourists also often only get information about culinary places that are often visited by most people. Yet Yogyakarta has a myriad of culinary places that have not been widely known, but also not to be missed. Therefore, in an effort to deliver information to tourists about culinary places that are still not widely known, researchers took the initiative to build an application that can be a medium to inform the hidden culinary place entitled "Hidden Culinary" based on android. Test method used is blackbox testing method, While the method of data analysis used in this research is descriptive method. With the implementation of Hidden Culinary Application in Yogyakarta based on android, the public can obtain information about culinary places that are still hidden and different from the general.