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dc.contributor.advisorMA'RUF, AHMAD
dc.contributor.authorTUPONG, FATMAWATI
dc.descriptionPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sektor-sektor yang dominan di Kabupaten Kupang. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis Shift Share, Locationn Quotien (LQ), Model Rasio Pertumbuhan (MRP), Typologi Klassen dan SWOT, dengan membandingkan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Atas Dasar Harga Konstan Kabupaten Kupang 2010 dan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Atas Dasar Harga Konstan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur 2010. Hasil penelitian analisis Shift Share sektor yang berpotensi adalah sektor Perdagangan besar dan eceran; Reparasi mobil dan sepeda Motor dan Transportasi dan pergudangan karena memiliki nilai terbesar dalam kontribusi PDRB Provinsi NTT dan memiliki pertumbuhan pendapatan yang lebih cepat dari sektor yang sama di tingkat provinsi NTT. Hasil analisis Location Quotien (LQ) menunjukkan enam sektor yang merupakan sektor basis yaitu sektor pertanian, kehutanan dan perikanan, sektor pertambangan dan penggalian, sektor industry pengolahan, sektor kontruksi, sektor perdagangan besar dan eceran; Reparasi Mobil dan sepeda motor dan sektor Transportasi dan Pergudangan. Hasil analisis Typologi klassen adalah sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan, sektor Industri Pengolahan, sektor Pengadaan Air, Pengolahan sampah, Limbah dan Daur Ulang, sektor Informasi dan Komunikasi dan sektor Jasa Perusahaan. Hasil penelitian analisis MRP menunjukkan sektor pengadaan Listrik dan Gas, sektor Informasi dan Komunikasi, sector Jasa Keuangan dan Asuransi dan sektor Administrasi Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Jaminan Sosial Wajib. Sedangkan bedasarkan analisis SWOT, strategi kebijakan pembangunan sektor unggulan yang perlu di ambil adalah meningkatnya perekonomian daerah melalui potensi sektor basis sehingga meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan bidang kesehatan, pendidikan dan social dasar lainnya, meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas sarana dan prasarana public dan penigkatan daya saing ekonomi antar kabupaten dan dilanujut dengan peningkatan antar provinsi.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed to know the dominant sectors in Kupang regency. This research used Shift Share, Location Quotien (LQ), Growth Ratio Model, Typologi Klassen and SWOT analysis approaches, by comparing Gross Regional Domestic Product based on the Constant Prices in 2010 and Gross Regional Domestic Product based on Constant Prices in East Nusa Tenggara in 2010. The result of Shift Share research analysis showed the potential sectors in East Nusa Tenggara were the large trading and retail sectors, such as the reparation of cars and motorcycles, transportation, and warehousing, because they had the biggest value in PDRB constribution in East Nusa Tenggara. They also had revenue growth which faster than the same factors at the provincial level in East Nusa Tenggara. The result of Location Quotien (LQ) showed the six sectors which were included as the basic sectors,namely agriculture, forestry and fisheries, mining and quarrying, processing industries, construction, large trade and retail such as the reparation of cars and motorcycles, transportation, and warehousing. The result of Typologi klassen analysis were the agriculture sector, forestry and fisheries sector, processing industries sector, water supply sector, waste management, waste and recycling, information and communications, and enterprise services sector. The result of MRP research analysis showed the electricity and gas sector, procurement sector, financial and insurance services sector, and the goverment administration, defense and mandatory social security services sector. While based on the SWOT analysis, the development policy strategy of the leading sector which needs to be taken was the improvement of the regional economy through the potential of the base sector so it could improve the service quality of health, education, and other basic social services. It could also improve the quality and quantity of public infrastructure facilities and improve the economic competitiveness between district and followed by the improvement between provinces.en_US
dc.publisherFE UMYen_US
dc.subjectShift Share, economic development, economic potential, and Location Quotient Klassen Typologi. Shift Share, pembangunan ekonomi, potensi ekonomi, dan Location Quotient,Klassen Typologi.en_US
dc.typeThesis SKR F E 861en_US

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