Nowadays, religious radicalism becomes the attention of many people particularly
among Muslims. This is caused by the effects of religious radicalism. Religious radical
groups often misuse the meaning of jihad to legitimate violence leading to unrest in social
life. It finally becomes a bad stigma for all Muslims. In fact, Islam doesn’t teach or call for
da’wah in radical way. Therefore, prevention of religious radicalism needs to be done.
This research discussed the deradicalization program run by government through
BNPT, and investigated deradicalization concepts according to Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul
Ulama. This research also discussed both the concepts and perspectives of Muhammadiyah
and Nahdatul Ulama about the deradicalization program as well as to investigate how
radicalism is resolved through Islamic education in those institutions.
Substantively, this is a library research focusing not only on important issues of
deradicalization and its concepts but also attempting to find facts and great ideas about
deradicalization from the government agencies such as BNPT and Islamic organization such
as Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama. The perspectives of Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul
Ulama about deradicalization have been generally transformed in their environment reaching
to the Islamic education field. In those two institutions, Islamic education becomes an object
of study.
The findings of the research indicated that BNPT, Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul
Ulama have various ways, concepts, strategies, and instruments of deradicalization used in
fighting terrorism and radicalism.