Speed off-road is one of the race modification categories in automotive. The
race competition has a characteristic using car with off-road spec as the time
required. Safety tool in speed off-road category is tubular. The construction consists
of pipe which is fixed in the body of the car and which is designed in such a way to
protect the driver when accident happens.
Tubular is through welding on the chassis of the car. The welding process is
using electric welding with capacity of 90-100 Ampere and with electrode in Rd-
260 size. Besides, it also uses pipe material of German seamless SCH40 1 ½ and
aluminium plate with thickness of 1.2 mm. Every pipe bending corner over 70
degree is given with reinforcement. Reinforcement is fixed in 6 points, while the
tubular construction in 12 points. The cabin consists of pipe bending of 35o=2,
45o=2, 90o=2, 30o=2. The objective of the tubular construction in Suzuki Katana
with speed off-road specification was to produce a jeep car with tubular that is fully
strong, light, stable, and safe for the driver and navigator.
The result was that tubular jeep could reduce the weight of the car which was
31,7% of the total weight of 1195 kilograms to become 815 kilograms. In the safety
trial, there has been side falling test for B pillar and right and left side pillars, while
A pillar was tested with car in upside down position. The result obtained has
fulfilled the aspects planned.