Human Resources is one of the factor to improve the perfomance of an organnization or productivity establishment. The demands of community in order to get a quality of public service and clear procedure. Because one of the community expectations as service to the consumer is improving services. The purpose of this research is to knw the quality of public services on a customers against employee of PDAM.
To explain and desribe objectively the formulation of the problems issue above, the author uses descriptive, qualitative, research methods. The type of the data being used is the primary data and secondary data, and data collection techniques in the form of and interview and the documents made directly to the object research. While the data analysis technique used is a qualitative analysis.
The result of this research was the amount of complaint each day, like water off and leaked pipe. Employee performance is very important things in the quality of public services. In order to shown the quality of performance is as good as well. Because of the wants from the customer to get a good quality service. And maintaining the quality of public services. Service of the complaint could come directly or via message/phone. The complaint will be processed 1x24 hours depending on the problem. Responsibilities as an employee it is important to given the public service the significant impact the owner of the company especially PDAM Tirta Perwitasari, then and serve it Ordinance take precendence as polite, neat appearance to customers, listen to criticism from customers. But after checks to customers, there are some customers who feel not satisfied with service, and there is a delay in the serve. Officers were less friendly, and long to process the complaint. In the making of the financial statements and notes the report of the results of the financial was not easy. The goal is to let employees know the source of corporate finance area tirta perwitasari. And on internal control as deemed necessary by management to allow for the preparation of the financial statements are free from material rendering errors, whether caused by fraud or errors made during the making of the financial report a year, and made as per December 31. as well as the financial performance and cash flows for the year ended on that date, in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Entinitas Without public accountability.
Measurment on perfomance of these PDAM is very important do because this would have implication for quality against the ministry that will be given to the community in a good service as well as efforts to improve perfomance are also conducted in a more purpososeful and systematic. That according to the cutomers are mainly on the attitude of the responses give by the PDAMn dealing in dealing with complaints from the public to increase customer trust against the service provided by PDAM Tirta Perwitasari hence the need to improve human resources, renewal and consolidation policy against recruitment and selection against the officers/employees in accordance with the needs to be able to increase the quantity, quality and professionalism of the employees.