This research has good and clear purpose and it also has proper direction and objective in relevant with the research’s problem formulation. The aims of this research are 1) at understanding the difference and similarity between the habit of the youth of Al-Iman Mosque of Pedan Klaten district and Jogokaryan Mosque of Yogyakarta in conducting congregational prayer, 2) at identifying supporting factor and hindrance of the habit of the youth of Al-Iman Mosque of Pedan Klaten district and Jogokaryan Mosque of Yogyakarta in conducting congregational prayer, 3) at describing efforts to improve the habit of conducting congregational prayers among youth of Al-Iman mosque of Pedan Klaten district and Jogokaryan mosque of Yogyakarta.
This research used qualitative method done by analyzing the natural condition of the object. This research was conducted at Kalangan village mosque of Klaten district and Jogokaryan mosque of Yogyakarta. Data gathering technique used in the research was triangulation. The number of respondents the writer used as data consisted of 5 youths from Kalangan village mosque of Klaten district and 5 youths from Jogokaryan mosque of Yogyakarta. Data was compiled through 1) interview and 2) documentation. The role of researcher as a research instrument is crucial and is highly dominant because it is at the hand of the researcher himself the quality of the research was determined.
From the discussion and analysis, it can be concluded that 1) the excellence possessed by the youth of Jogokaryan mosque is willingness to serve, help, and share religious knowledge to either internal and external pilgrims who come by to do prayer especially congregational prayer. The excellence of Al-Iman mosque of Klaten is the participation of its youth to promote mosque as a place for moslem to perform their worship and hence its cleanliness needs to be kept as the representation of their love of buildings with Islamic values and nuance; such as mosque. 2) Jogokaryan mosque is equipped with stable internet connection, CCTV to monitor parked vehicles, and AC at every corner of the mosque. Al-Iman mosque has building as place for having a routine discussion or gathering, apart from being a place for worshipping. 3) efforts done by the youth of the mosque especially in assisting youth to implement Islamic values which are conducted through learning process need to be supported with other activities related to Islamic values