Background : Myopia is a refractive error which is caused by longer axial length
or excessive corneal curvature. Elementary school children are the primary age
group in development of myopia. In many studies stated that the most number of
myopia found in big cities than in rural area. The cause of this is due to close
reading or near-work activities. The development of technology such as
Television, Computer, and Video game gradually increased the usage of near
vision in children. The aim of this study was to determine the difference and
comparison of myopia progression among elementary school children from the
urban and rural area.
Methods : Elementary school children aged 8-12 years were recruited for this
cohort prospective study. Subject of this study were students from urban and rural
elementary school join refraction status test. Data were analyzed using Paired
Sample T Test and Mann Whitney test.
Result : Subject of this study were 70 students, 31 students from urban elementary
school and 39 students from rural elementary school. This study found that in
urban elementary school has higher myopia progression (S -0,250 Dioptri)
compare than the rural elementary school (S -0,198 Dioptri). In this study both
urban and rural elementary school are not found progression myopia because
both of the myopia average progress doesn’t achieve S -0,5 Dioptri or more in 6
months duration. The statistic show that there was insignificant difference
between myopia progression in urban and rural elementary school (p>0.05).
Conclusion : There was insignificant difference in increasing of myopia
progression between students in urban and rural elementary school. The
difference may relate with the difference characteristic of the two places such
technologies development and so many another factors that may involve with the
nearwork activities between children in urban and rural areas.