Background: Asthma prevalence in Indonesia in 2007 is 3,5% and 4,5% in 2013. Yogyakarta is in the 18th rank in 2007, and become the 3rd rank in 2003. This rising showed that there is no improvement in asthma treatment. Two of several causes regarding to asthma are smoking and exercise. Also, one factor that important to asthma is the medication (β-2 agonist and/or corticosteroid).
Aim: To study the correlation between combination of asthma treatment and lifestyle toward asthma relapse.
Methods: An observational analytic with cross sectional design conducted on 64 samples. The samples were the outpatients in Pulmonology Polyclinic and Internal Disease Polyclinic of RS PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul which age above 17 years old and got β-2 agonist or combination β-2 agonist/corticosteroid. The dependent variable was asthma relapse (Asthma Control Test) and independent variables were asthma medication (β-2 agonist or combination β-2 agonist/corticosteroid), smoking, and exercise. Data taken by medical records, questionnaire, and pharmacy. Data analyzed by bivariate using Chi Square.
Result: There was a correlation between combination of asthma treatment toward asthma relapse by p value=0,004. Combination of β-2 agonist/corticosteroid decreased exacerbation, improve lung function, improve the symptoms, and decreased the needs of using β-2 agonist. There was no correlation between smoking toward asthma relapse by p value=0,0379. This result didn’t match with previous research because there was no smoker degree and cigarette type. There was a correlation between exercise duration toward asthma relapse by p value=0,02. Exercise decrease dosage, improve symptoms, and improve asthma relapse.
Conclusion: There is correlation between combination of asthma treatment and exercise toward asthma relapse, and there is no correlation between smoking toward asthma relapse.